Monday, August 17, 2009

36 Weeks and Counting!

Baby Whit and I went to the doctor for our weekly checkup and we both doing great! I gained my weight back and then some and Baby Whit grew too. We are at the point that it could happen any day--thank goodness it wasn't this past weekend! I think my weight loss had a lot to do with not drinking enough water, the fact that my stomach is crowed out by the baby, and heartburn. Jonathan has been fantastic--he reminds me to drink water and have snacks which probably sounds silly to some, but it really helps considering I am a bit scatter brained at this point. Plus I am just not a thirsty person! My mother always used to call my sister "thirsty" and me "hungry."
It won't be long now. I would love for him to arrive sooner rather than later, but I guess mother nature decides that!

Jonathan is in Nantucket until Wednesday and then hopefully home for a few days. He loves going to the doctor and hearing the heart beat, so I feel sorry for him that he was unable to go today:( The good news is he is fortunate to have time off before and after Baby Whit arrives, so we are blessed in the sense.

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