Monday, August 10, 2009

Dr. Shopping!

So I sort of felt like a doctor shopper at my 35 week appointment today! As you know these travel restrictions really have me bummed out. For starters, I have missed out on a trip to Kentucky, Springfield, Massachusetts, and Nantucket. So today I saw a different doctor and thought if I asked about travel I might get an answer I want to hear! So, I asked, yet again, if I could travel---I really want to go to Saranack Lake (Lake Placid) on Thursday with Jonathan. She said it wouldn't be wise and that I don't need to be further than a one hour radius from home. What a disappointment:( So unless you are a Hollywood star, I have decided doctor shopping doesn't work!

Anyway, Baby Whit grew and mommy shrunk! The baby is doing well and is progressing as expected. As for me I lost two pounds since last week. I need to try to relax, continue eating, and drinking plenty of fluids. Besides the side effects of stress, the weight loss is probably one reason I have been tired and just not feeling 100% lately. Also, dehydration is a big concern for summer moms because of the risk of going into labor early--so water is going to be key this week since we have temps in the 90's! Reminds me of home, so bring it on!

I go back to the doctor in a week and I might have to get an ultrasound in the coming weeks to determine the position of the baby. The doctor was unable to determine it today. Of course he continues to move around like crazy so Lord knows what position he is in! Having an U/S works for me--any glimpse of Baby Whit is an added bonus!

I attached a few pics to look at--I don't have on any make-up so I look a little rough!

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