Monday, August 3, 2009

Week 34!

What a week! It has been a roller coaster, and I am so thankful for my many blessings. Thank you friends and family for all of your love, support, and prayers.

Jonathan and I went to our 34 week appointment and were given great news; Baby Whit is doing fantastic. I have not felt 100% and have been experiencing some pain, but the doctor reassured us that this is normal and typical at this stage in the game! Whew.

We were also given instructions on what to do when contractions start or my water breaks! Wait...What? I thought we had several weeks to go before even starting to think about that. It could basically happen at any time from here on out! Jonathan and I are so excited!!! We now go to the doctor weekly for checkups and signs of Baby Whit's arrival!

Having said this, travel is a no-no for me:( I was planning on going to see my mother on Tuesday or Wednesday for some TLC, but travel from home is no longer an option. Not even by car. I was under the impression that travel meant air travel--not the case. Needless to say I am disappointed, but Baby Whit is worth it! On the bright side, Jonathan's trip got canceled!!! He was to be away Tuesday-Sunday, but lucky for us there was a change in plans.

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